About Us
North Star Ministry Press LLC is a publishing boutique for authors and their readers who understand the formative value of true knowledge, deep convictions and enduring faithfulness for living in this world.
Unlike self-publishing machines or hybrid arms of bigger names, if your book is accepted by Nsmpress, there are no upfront set-up costs or fees to you. You just stit back and collect your royalty checks.
We do things the old-fashioned way: good books are published for the quality of their content--not for what we can squeeze out of you up front.
To that end, excellent books on theology, life, history, piety, and faith-based fiction are now available and on the way.
Envisioned in 2016 as a reformed book imprint, releasing its first titles in 2019, the boutique is blessed to publish outstanding titles within the deep and wide current of an original and robust biblical theology for today.
Nsmpress makes its books available throughout our global and regional marketing network on platforms not only like Amazon and Barnes & Nobles, but also Walmart, Target and bookstores, as well as our own website, online book stores, and newsletters.
Our Boutique Model
Only exclusive, high-quality offerings from our presses
A limited number of premium quality titles per year
Low pricing through our global and regional distributors
Our Core Values
​We believe that the Son of God,
out of the whole human race,
from the beginning of the world to its end,
gathers, defends, and preserves for himself,
by his Spirit and Word,
in the unity of the true faith,
a church chosen to everlasting life.
And I believe that I am
and forever shall remain
a living member of it.
-Heidelberg Catechism LD:21
Professional Memberships: Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) Christian Retail Association (CRA); Association of Publishers for Special Sales (APSS); Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)